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As we filed in we were given a code and once we got seated to put it into our tablet. The twins, Beth, Danny, and I managed to find 5 seats in the back corner, I sat next to Danny of course, I had the inside seat, the twins surrounded Beth. The auditorium had theater seating, and seats, arm rests that could move up and down, so I flipped it up and leaned in against Danny’s left side. He managed to get out of the cast for school and is in a sling now.“Everyone settle down, make sure you input that code into your tablets so you can follow along. Welcome Freshman class of 2025 to Phoenix High School, home of the Phoenix, very original I know.” There were a couple of laughs at that. “I’m Principal John Bradberry. I’m not very formal but I expect you all know when you can call me John, or Mr. Bradberry. Over here is the class of 2025 Vice-Principal, Jane Bradberry, and that’s Ms. Bradberry to you all.” She gave a wave.“Now, with introductions over with this assembly we’re going to go over. In the meantime, you may want to go back to school and see if you can't do anything to make up tests and what not. Though, that will have to wait until Monday." We'd also like to see if we can test out of of a few of our courses. Not just for this year, but all the way through. We'd both like to take comprehensive tests for placement. We don't want to skip grades, just not have to take courses we can already pass. I'm thinking English, Spanish, Algebra 1 and 2, US and World History." Well, Meri," she said as she looked at the young woman, "will have to talk to her parents about that. I'm fine with it, but it will be up to you to pass. Why the sudden desire? Is there a reason?" I want to do it to give me a chance to take AP courses and and higher maths. I'd like to see about going to Notre Dame High School, too. I know we're not religious, but they have a great program and high rate of acceptance into good colleges and universities. They also have a well run Junior NROTC program,.
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